Fast track your Landscape painting to the next level! Key concepts will include:
- Selecting and Editing for the Best Scene
- Building attractive Design into the work from the start with Shapes and Value
- Simplifying the Scene to reduce uneccesary Detail
- Color/Values and Techniques for Mixing that make Painting Easier
- Developing Depth and Atmosphere using concepts of Drawing, Color, and Value
- Creating a strong Focal Point using Edges, Contrast, and Color
Instructed Media: Oils, Pastel, and Watercolor
All skill levels welcomed- Individualized instruction for your Best Landscape ever!

By working outside "Plein-Air", you will learn easy steps to Simplify the Design of complex scenes, paint this Design efficiently using a language of Color and Value that will catch and keep attention, then finish the Art with the perfect level of convincing Detail.

Two-Day Landscape Workshop is from 9-3pm each day with one hour break at lunch.
Day 1 Class will be Plein-Air locally Peoria, IL and Day 2 in Studio downtown.